Don Merejo Quebranta 500ml

Don Merejo Quebranta 500ml

Original price was: €21,49.Current price is: €18,49.

It has soft aromas, but in the mouth it highlights the best Pisco with a nice alcoholic touch. It reminds us of hay, banana, lucuma, passion fruit, chocolate, raisins, herbaceous, sweet, vegetable, orange peel, dry grass, apple, syrup, nuts, vanilla, peach and citrus.

Taste – Sweet, velvety, balanced
Smell – Slightly alcoholic with fruit flavors
Color – Clean and clear with shiny gloss
Texture – Uniform, very well done

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Tasting notes:

It has soft aromas, but in the mouth it highlights the best Pisco with a nice alcoholic touch. It reminds us of hay, banana, lucuma, passion fruit, chocolate, raisins, herbaceous, sweet, vegetable, orange peel, dry grass, apple, syrup, nuts, vanilla, peach and citrus.

Taste – Sweet, velvety, balanced
Smell – Slightly alcoholic with fruit flavors
Color – Clean and clear with shiny gloss
Texture – Uniform, very well done